Above was my first attempt. Marlene said they tasted pretty good, but you can see they don't exactly look right.
This is a batch I just made today, and you can see they hold their shape much better thanks to the secret ingredient: sushi rice.
At the beginning, I looked up a recipe and went and got all the ingredients except I figured rice is rice is rice. I don't need any special "sushi rice". How wrong I was. The key to good looking Maki rolls is super sticky rice and normal long grain rice grown in Europe or the USA just doesn't cut it. Luckily, where we live in Vienna is the same area as most of the city's Asian immigrants. There's not a literal Chinatown but there are several Asian grocery stores within a couple blocks of our apartment so finding all the ingredients was pretty simple.
Here's one of my favorite meals, a Döner kebap. It's basically my substitute for Chipotle burritos in the USA, and they're probably the most popular fast food item here.
Finally, here's one of my favorite desserts, a Kakaoroulade. It's honestly nothing special, they're mass produced and sold at any grocery store, but they remind me of a giant Swiss Cake Roll and they only cost €1,09.