Friday, September 3, 2010

First Time Playing Soccer in 6 Weeks = A Little Sore the Day After

Training with FC Adrenalin went very well. The guys are all about my age, in good shape, and seemed to be a similar skill level. We played on a turf field so I actually didn't even need the cleats that I went out and bought yesterday, I played with my flats instead. Thinking about it today, I haven't been on a team which practices regularly since college. We tried to organize practices for Northfield Football Club but those never really worked out and the Vandals never practiced either.

We didn't do any drills that were too complicated. We worked on passing, dribbling, shooting, then played a half field 9v9 scrimmage. I was last picked by the team captains but played pretty well. My team won 3-0 and I scored and had an assist after being put at right midfield. Afterward one of the guys asked if I wanted to play in the team's friendly match this weekend. Looking at their schedule, it's the last friendly before the real league matches begin so I hope I do well and am asked to be on the team for good!


  1. Good for you, sounds like a great way to meet some new people and enjoy playing your favorite game, besides getting some fun exercise.

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