This upcoming week I'll have about 9 hours of teaching that I know of so far, which is pretty good. Over the next few weeks it'll only increase. Over the weekend Marlene will be travelling to Neusiedl for a cousin's birthday party but I'll stay in Wien to play/attend some soccer games and prepare for my lessons.
The team I play for is first place in our league with 2 matches left to go. If we end up in first, we'll be promoted to the next division which would be a great accomplishment since they were promoted to this current division last season. For any Americans out there unfamiliar with the promotion/relegation system of European football; imagine if the best team in triple A baseball was moved to the major leagues then won the World Series in the next season. In principle that's similar to what to what we'd be doing, but in practice it's much easier to be promoted two years in a row, especially when I join the team for the second year :-D
The soccer team I support, Austria Wien, is in third place at the moment but there's still a really good chance that they could win and play in the Champion's League next year (or drop down to 4th or 5th and not even play in Europa League but let's not think about that).

Finally, I got some new glasses today. My old ones had been hanging on by a thread, well, actually by a paperclip which I'd used to repair them. But these new ones are great. They look pretty similar to my old ones, except just a bit more hipster-y and they did an eye test at the store so they've got my most up-to-date prescription. I wasn't planning on wearing them very often but I might end up doing so because they're noticeably better than my contacts.
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